ExecPhotos by Juan Carlos of Entertainment Photos for headshots Portraits and much more

HeadShots by juancarlos

Headshot by juancarlos of execphotos and entertainment photosMy name is juancarlos. I am a professional photographer and digital artist in McKinney, Texas. I offer a wide range of photography and digital art services. This webpage is dedicated to "headshot services" and business logo and card design. I would like to offer you my personal guarantee. I offer outstanding services and exceptional quality. If my work does not meet your desired taste for professional headshots, you do not have to purchase. I take all the risk so you don't have to. This is my level of confidence. With the hardware and software I am trained to use I am able to manipulate each image, keeping a natural look but enhancing all areas to ensure the best results. Try me out. I promise you will not be disappointed.


Call me anytime at 972-837-5681 for details, beauty and wardrobe advice prior to your photoshoot. Once we have a contract, I will walk you through your preparation so we can get the best results for your specific needs.

I look forward to meeting each and every one of you. I know we will have a great experience.


"your photographer for life"

Custom Business Cards

Business Cards by Juan Carlos of Entertainment Photos Professional Digital Artist epoof

Head Shot Services:

1. We capture your perfect Head Shot.

2. We can design your Business Logo.

3. We can design your Business Cards.

4. We print and deliver all our work.

5. We can create a Master Staff Photo that can be updated

without having to redo the whole staff photo.

We are "Your One Stop Photography Company"


juancarlos photographer at entertainmentphotos serving execphotos.com






Head Shots Samples


Portrait headshot by juancarlos at execphotos from Entertainment Photosheadshot by juancarlos of entertainment photos at execphotos




juancarlos always takes the time to help you capture your best pose

professional headshots by juancarlos

"try us out. you will be happy you did"


Studio Photographer Juan Carlos McKinney TX


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